We target Rights Holders regardless of their race, tribe, religious and political affiliations.

ReachAll is a Non-Governmental Organization in Zambia, with registration number ORS/102/53/258. The organization was established to make differences through advocacy, partnerships and service delivery according to its four thematic areas which are Education, Economic Empowerment, Health, and Water & Environment in schools and communities in Zambia.

Mission, Vision & Core value

We are dedicated to making positive impacts in our communities by addressing the most pressing issues that affect the lives of people in our geographical focus areas.


To fight illiteracy and end the poverty cycle in communities by ensuring that all children have access to books, teachers, learning activities and technology.


Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential by providing access to education, economic opportunities, clean water, and improved health services.


We – Identify , Develop & Grow inborn skills/talents to foster self-reliance, and a militant fighting spirit among people from all walks of life.

More about ReachAll

We decided to tell our authentic story differently by focusing on foundation inspiration and the collective journey since the formation of the organization. The aim is to inspire other community and world change makers who are still in their infancy stages in pursuing their visions for the common good. We are telling our story to enlighten that every pursuant to a vision may face barriers, challenges, discouragement and frustrations which should not easily deter them from pursuing their visions.